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Mission Statement:

To build,  strengthen, and promote greater Kansas City's diverse literary community.

Vision Statement:

A community that embraces and contributes to the literary arts and supports its writers and readers. 

Midwest center for the literary arts

Board of Directors

Gloria Vando Hickok, President

Lorca Perez, Vice President

Ann Slegman, Secretary

Phyllis Becker

Steve Paul

The Writers Place Board of Directors

Maryfrances Wagner

James Benger

Greg Field

Beth Gulley

Marcia Hurlow

Jemshed Khan

William Patterson


Alarie Tennile

William Trowbridge

Jemshed Khan

Pat Lawson

Wayne Courtois

Xanath Caraza

Joel Barrett

Maryfrances Wagner, chair

Workshop Committee:

James Benger

Curtis Becker

Marianne Kunkel

Robert Stewart

Beth Gulley, chair


Tina Hacker

Literary Calendar:

Robert Stewart

Office Manager:

Cory Unrein

Founding Board

Claire Ann Arnold

Bunni & Paul Copaken

Hallmark Cards, Inc.

William H. & Gloria Hickok

Arthur and Pinky Kase

Nancy & Phil Miller

Ann Slegman

Robert Stewart

David Stickelber

Emeritus Board

Bill Bauer

Betsy Beasley

Craig Chance

Maril Crabtree

Tina Hacker

Gloria Vando Hickok

Patricia Cleary Miller

Trish Reeves

Ann Slegman

Alarie Tennille

Maryfrances Wagner

Honorary Advisors

Joel Barrett

Rick Christiansen

R. Crosby Kemper, III

Jameelah Lang

Candice Millard

Jenny Molberg

David Owen

Michael Pritchett

Judy Ray

Richard Rhodes

Whitney Terrell

Calvin Trillin

Stanley Banks

Barbara Loots


How can I read at The Writers Place?

To request a reading, please download our the form below and email it to info@writersplace.org.

Readings and Events Submission Form

Can I reserve space at The Writers Place?

The Writers Place cannot offer 31W31 for groups to meet or for additional readings.  We no longer have a “house,” and we share our location with a group of other nonprofit organizations, so we don’t want to overuse the facility at the cost of taking up space that other organizations also need to use. 

In fairness to all, we would have to let all groups meet there if we let one meet regardless of time frame or willingness to pay, and if we set up an additional reading for one person, we would be unfair to all of those others who ask.  

We do want to support all groups we help broker, though, and will give web coverage to open groups, and we will list all groups we know that are meeting, as well as the time, and place. 

We have also investigated possibilities for groups to meet and will continue to seek others, but for the present, these places are possibilities at this time:

Possible Locations for Workshops/groups meeting:

Plaza Library, Downtown Library, Longview Community College or Penn Valley Community College, Pilgrim House, All Souls UU Church (or someone’s church), A coffeehouse or self-serve restaurant like Rozelle Court or Panera, each other’s homes. 

Website and Facebook Policy:

Although The Writers Place would like to publish all of the accomplishments of members and organizations, maintaining such an endeavor would be impossible with only one part-time employee.  Therefore, we can only post on our website, our FB page, or our eblast our own events as well as those we have partnered with.  We would never want one person or group to feel left out because we missed posting something of theirs.  We hope you will understand. 

How can I volunteer at The Writers Place?

The Writers Place needs volunteers who can help out at events, serve on committees, help organize the library, and more. Send us your contact information through our Volunteer page.

I need to publish a book/article/poem I wrote. Can the Writers Place help me find a publisher?

The Writers Place does not provide this service. You may find the most information about publishing at your local public library in the research section. A librarian can usually assist you with finding books or other resources about publishing your work. 

I want to be in a writers group. How do I join?

The Writers Place is affiliated with several writers groups in the area. Many of these are currently operating at their capacity for membership since in order for writing groups to be effective they must be fairly small. Sometimes we have a list of people interested in particular areas of writing and when we get enough interested people, we form a new writers group. Send your contact information and interests to info@writersplace.org, and we will make sure it is passed on to the appropriate person.

I am interested in teaching a workshop at the writers place. How do I go about signing up to do this?

Please send why you are interested in teaching, a bio, the writing area and topic you would like to teach, and your contact information to info@writersplace.org. We will forward your email to the Education Committee.

I'm a freelancer. How do I write a sample letter of agreement? 

This sample is the most-visited part of our website.  Thousands of people read it each month from all over the United States and even from far-away places like Russia and the Philippines.  You are welcome to adapt it as the basis of your own agreements. 

(c) 2024 The Writers Place

31 W. 31st ST, Kansas City MO 64108

Email: info@writersplace.org 


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